Postgraduate medical education




Training of medical specialists for interns at the postgraduate stage began at Sumy State University in September 2003. Graduates of higher medical institutions of Ukraine, who received a doctor’s degree, began an internship in the following specialties: obstetrics and gynecology, internal medicine, general practice, family medicine, infectious diseases, pediatrics, radiology, surgery.

Full-time education is provided by the departments of the Medical Institute of SumDU, part-time – is conducted on the approved bases of regional, district, and city hospitals.

The purpose of training young specialists in internships is to train qualified specialists, create a system of universal and professional competencies, doctors, able and ready for independent practice, mainly in primary health care, emergency, as well as specialized and high-tech medical care.


The plan of the educational process of preparation of the doctor in an internship in a specialty “Medical business” is on professional specialties “Orthopedics and traumatology”, “Pediatrics”, “Infectious diseases”, “Obstetrics and gynecology”, “Pulmonology and phthisiology”, “Neurology”, “Internal diseases”, “General practice-family medicine”, “Radiology”, “Pathological anatomy”,“Surgery”, “Dentistry”.