Dear international partners and friends of Sumy State University!

Today our country and in particular Sumy region endured massive bombing and invasion by troops of Russian Federation.

In these conditions, we carried-out our maximally available activities to ensure safety of our students and staff, as well as their families, which suddenly became a top priority for all of us.

Being under enormous pressure and threats, we especially value today a number of support messages and expressions of readiness to help from our international partners in the UK, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Bolivia, Ecuador, the USA and many other countries worldwide. We also felt commitment of a helping hand from our partner HEIs in other regions across Ukraine. Together we are strong and confident to protect our rights for freedom and democratic future! We are Ukrainians. We are on our land. International law prohibits aggression, and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine are ensured and guaranteed by the fundamental norms and principles of international law and a number of fundamental international instruments, including those of United Nations Organisation.

We would highly appreciate an immediate and clear reaction of the international community to this terrible and inhumane aggression that Ukraine currently undergoes.

The University, considering the circumstances, will do all possible to continue ensuring high quality of its educational and research services in a virtual mode.

Let us expresses our deep and sincere gratitude to all our partners with hopes for support and our joint appropriate reaction for further successful cooperation and future.