A meeting with NN MI alumna, a medical intern

On February 5th, a meeting was held with a graduate of NNMI, a third-year medical intern specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology, practicing as an assistant to an obstetrician-gynecologist – Yuliia LAPUZINA.

Yuliia graduated from the Medical Institute of SumDU in 2021 and shared her student years and path as a medical intern. During the session, issues such as internship, medical practice, and passing the KROK-2 exam were discussed. The alumna talked about when one should consider choosing a specialty for internship and the future medical professional, and most importantly, how not to make a mistake in this choice. She advised students not to be afraid to try themselves in different directions, undergo internships, “knock on doors,” and seize every possible opportunity. Discussions also covered “life hacks” during studies, how to prepare successfully for exams, and how not to burn out under workload.

Students enthusiastically joined the discussions, asking questions about how to coordinate all important matters with the university when applying for internship, how not to make mistakes in choosing a university, how to behave in the department, when to start medical practice, and so on.

The meeting took place in a friendly atmosphere and ended on a positive note. Thanks to everyone who participated and we wish professional growth in the medical field to all!