Visit to “MB Sensografa” in Vilnius, Lithuania

Representatives from Sumy State University, Yuliіa Varava and Valerіia Korniienko, embarked on a one-month visit to “MB Sensografa” in Vilnius, Lithuania, as part of the Horizon Europe MSCA-SE project titled “Towards the development of a new antibacterial strategy for dentistry.” Their objective during this visit was to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the structural, optical, and chemical properties of nanoparticles using atomic force microscopy (AFM).

The utilization of AFM facilitated a detailed analysis of the nanoparticles, yielding valuable insights into their size, shape, morphology, and other pertinent characteristics.

The collaboration with “MB Sensografa” in Lithuania proved instrumental in providing the researchers from Sumy State University with essential data, marking a significant stride forward in the pursuit of developing an innovative antibacterial strategy tailored for dentistry.

This visit underscored the importance of international collaboration and knowledge exchange in the scientific community, highlighting the collective efforts aimed at addressing pressing healthcare challenges and fostering advancements in dental care.